

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

12A and 80G forms accepted

This is a quick post to update everyone on our progress in receiving permission from the government of India to receive funds from within India and from foreign sources.

We have been working on this for quite some time, and it has begun to bear fruit. In August we received the necessary permissions to receive funds from within India when the government accepted our 12A and 80G forms. Here is the letter from the government for the 80G form:

If you can read Hindi, it says we've been given the necessary permissions!

This is great news, and the field workers are currently talking with local government officials and other sources to figure out what sort of grants they will apply for in the coming year. We will keep you updated about progress in this direction as we know.

We have filled out an application for to receive permission to get foreign funds, but so far we have not heard back from the government. We expect that we will also receive this permission in the coming 6 months or so. It is a bit of a lengthy process because the government comes to inspect the site, verify details of the application, etc. We'll also keep you updated on this.

Anyways, more signs of progress that we're excited about.

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