

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Donations

Hi all,
     I hope this December finds you in a good state as the holiday season is among us. I know there is a lot of pressures associated with the time of year and I certainly do not want to add to that. However, I would like to suggest, if you interested, that you consider giving some small donation to our organization, either as a gift to someone (in which case I could email you a brochure that explains our work to give to the person) or just as a bit of holiday giving. You can give by sending a check to our US office:

Friends of Lok Sahbhagi Sanstha
2541 Dana St. #2
Berkeley, CA 94704, United States

The check can be made out to Friends of Lok Sahbhagi Sanstha. 

Consider supporting our work in microcredit and youth technology education. The loans provides vital help in bringing in agricultural income. Technology access is sparse in the rural areas and we are working on changing that.

    There are many deserving causes out there and I (Derek) encourage giving to charity for the holidays, since it feels good and helps people out. As for LSS, every dollar given to us really counts, whether it goes towards having training meetings for new women's microfinance groups, or towards needed computer equipment for our programs geared towards expanding access in rural India to computers, or towards the salaries of our dedicated and hard-working field staff, Rohitash, Shyam and Gopal. Please consider us for a donation during this holiday season!

    As I've mentioned in past posts, during the first three years of any NGO's existence in India it has to have an oversight organization monitoring its activities. For LSS, this organization is Naman Sewa Samiti. For this service, they charge a 17.5% fee. This fee does not directly go towards our work and I feel responsible to report this to you if you are considering donating. There is also an unavoidable fee of about 1-2% when you do money transfers overseas. With that said, I hope you will consider us for a donation. I hope everyone has a very happy holiday season and that I see some of you soon!