Excited about a few things:
1) A colleague from my physics program here at Berkeley, one Grant Larsen, will be joining Meg and I on our trip to India. I know he'll be of good help for brainstorming ideas for the NGO and helping with some technical stuff. We're super excited to have Grant coming with us.
A similar youth technology and leadership group from previous work. The students were quite excited by the computer, as you can see.
2) The Youth Leadership and Technology Groups (YLTGs) have begun meeting now that there exams have ended. To be precise, a group has been formed in Mohan Gurjar ki Dhani and another is set to be formed in Kukrela. Rohitash was telling me today about a computer they purchased that runs off of one CPU, but has two screens, two mice, and two keyboards. Thus, twice the action off of one computer. A great idea on their end. I am excited to see this system and see how the youth in Mohan Gurjar ki Dhani respond to it. As I've said in past posts, we are going at this in a trial and error fashion, so it'll be exciting to see what we learn along the way.
Other than this, we are just going through the preparations for going to India. Coming up with a packing list and also writing down what we plan to discuss with Rohitash and Gopal while there. I've also been soliciting advice on the website that I think will come into existence after my visit in May. Everything is in the works. Exciting stuff. Expect a lot of pictures in a couple weeks :).
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