Hi all, quick post here before a lengthier one in the next few days. I am very excited because Meg and I have our plane tickets for our trip to India at the end of May. We will go to see the progress of LSS and to talk about short and long-term strategy for computer education, the youth groups, and so forth. I am very excited to see the villages where we are working, and to help in the launch of the youth technology groups.

On that note, I am also happy that I now have the desired total of 5 computers for the establishment of 5 YTLG's in the next few months. In addition to the earlier donation of Mr. Quan, I have also received a donation from my older brother Denny and James Arnott, for a total of 3 donated computers. I thank all of these people for their support of LSS's work. Their support is invaluable. The other two computers will be purchased with funds from the budget. I am very happy that we'll be able to establish these first 5 groups and focus on making them work for the next year or two. After that we'll look at forming new groups one we have established methods that work.
I am very excited about all of these developments. Here's a video of a ted talk about computer education in developing countries (suggested to me by James):
We'll definitely be considering the ideas in this video as we design and execute our program.
Have a great day!
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