A women in Kukrella who has taken a loan to buy a goat. The milk will be used in the family or sold. A women in Barwara who has taken a loan to buy fertilizer for her millet, or bajra, crops. They have grown nicely. The millet harvest will be in few weeks. Villagers use millet to make bread and as a feed for livestock. It is a crucial crop in rural Rajasthan. Notice in her left hand the pink booklet. It is the booklet where they record their monthly contributions to the group's central fund as well as details about loans they take and pay back. A women in Barwara, also in her millet field. I'm not sure if she took a loan to buy the seeds themselves or the fertilizer. I will inquire. Notice the pink booklet here as well. Looking good.
We are getting ready to launch the website in the next week, so be on the look out for that. In the future we will post the photos of the women taking the loans with the outcome of their loans in a special "Loan of the Month" section of the website that really highlights this work and its importance. For now, it just brings a smile to my face to see these photos. Truly heart warming. Below are some photos showing a women doing the book-keeping for a group an a women filling out the form to take a loan. The cycle goes on! Look out for more photos of our loan recipients soon. Happy Labor Day!
A group member in Barwara filling out the form to take a loan. An SEG group member doing the book-keeping for the group, recording who has given their monthly contribution to the central fund and who has taken a loan that month, if anybody.